[This a repost from an earlier post shared on Mastodon. Make sure to follow @YoMosEco@EcoEvoSocial !]
Dear YoMos,
we had such an amazing time at our YoMos2024 workshop last week at the Federsee research station that we have to extend all the impressions into a few more Toots!
Thanks to everyone participating, you were such a great and synergetic group of Young Modellers in Ecology. We think you can see it in our faces as well!

First and foremost, we had more than 20 wonderful participants at YoMos2024, ranging from Bachelor- to PhD- level students all modelling ecological systems. Everyone had the chance to present their projects and methods and we had vivid question+discussion rounds afterwards. Although YoMos seems like a niche group already, we heard about a bandwidth of methods including mechanistic eco(-evo)-models, SDMs, climate and vegeation models, network models, Machinelearning, AI and much more.
We also invited more senior ecological modellers to spend the week with us at YoMos2024: Korinna Allhoff , Oskar Hagen & @Christian Werner held engaging keynote talks about their projects on eco-evo feedabcks, emergence and maintenance of diversity over large timescales, and also on the technicalities of global remote sensing. In the exchange sessions afterwards, we were able to ask all the questions about pathways and mental health in academia, and also, how to best get out of it if necessary.
And of course, we used every chance we got to explore the beautiful scenery of the Federsee and surrounding nature reserve. We visited a the NABU house in Bad Buchau and afterwards took a guided excursion through the area. From watching bearded reedlings from the walkway in the morning sun and randomly spawning deer in the reed to jumping through the notorious Wackelwald - YoMos2024 did certainly not only nurture our modeller's spirit, but also our ecologists' ☀️